‘AHS: Delicate’ Finale: Kim Kardashian Brings a Devil Baby Into a Eugenics Cult

Photo Illustration by Luis G. Rendon/The Daily Beast/FX

Do you hear the ceremonial bagpipes playing? That’s the sound of a few ruddy Celtic men, bellowing into their horns to honor the dearly departed spirit of our darling Siobhan Corbyn. We knew her for less than a year, but what we had together felt like a lifetime.

If that name strikes you funny, perhaps you should brush up on your Irish royal history. Siobhan was Kim Kardashian’s suspiciously named character on American Horror Story: Delicate, an uber bitchy, high-powered Hollywood publicist with a strange obsession with her pregnant client, actress Anna Victoria Alcott (Emma Roberts), and Anna’s unborn child.

(Warning: spoilers ahead.)

Read more at The Daily Beast.


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