An AI Player Is Fooling the Humans on ‘The Circle.’ God Help Us All

Photo Illustration by Luis G. Rendon/The Daily Beast/Getty Images/Netflix

When I first learned that an AI chatbot was joining The Circle for Season 6, I wasn’t exactly worried for the human players. We’ve heard plenty about how quickly this tech is progressing (too fast, some suggest), but my own occasional experiences with AI have mostly left me underwhelmed. For instance: A few weeks ago, when I wrapped up a blog post dream-casting Margot Robbie’s upcoming Sims movie, I asked ChatGPT to tell me who it would cast as Bella Goth. It chose Charlize Theron. I mean, I love her, but Charlize Theron? As Bella Goth?!

Suffice it to say that when The Circle Season 6 debuted Wednesday on Netflix with its robo-character, “Max,” I went in fully convinced that, while AI might be automating over more and more of our world, it still lacks a certain human touch. Foolishly, I thought that there was no way this tech twist would actually convince anyone. Alas, to err is human, and when I binged the first four episodes, I was shocked to discover that the damn chatbot was totally flying under the radar.

Circle, message: How the hell could this be?!

Read more at The Daily Beast.

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