Everyone Is Thirsting Over Kennedy Grandson Jack Schlossberg—for Good Reason

Photo Illustration by The Daily Beast / Getty

In Pablo Larráin’s 2016 film Jackie, Natalie Portman—playing John F. Kennedy’s wife Jaqueline Kennedy, following her husband’s death—bleakly mutters, “There won’t be another Camelot, not another Camelot.” She’s referring to the mythic perception of JFK’s presidency, one that some viewed as the ideal marriage of a country and its leader. The line is an abridged version of a real quote from Kennedy, but unfortunately for her, she was wrong.

There will be another Camelot. In fact: We’re in it right now, thanks to Jackie Kennedy’s grandson, Jack Schlossberg.

If you’re unfamiliar with Schlossberg, there’s no need to feel left behind. The only grandson of John F. Kennedy and Jacqueline Bouvier Kennedy Onassis has only just blown up on the internet, thanks to X users picking up one of Schlossberg’s recent Instagram stories. Schlossberg is a graduate of Yale and Harvard’s Business and Law schools, but like all men with a sense of vivacity and an irrepressible joie de vivre, he’s put public service on hold and instead is becoming a confounding Instagram personality. Several videos of Schlossberg have gone viral, with people online thirsting over his shirtless content and applauding his candid ridiculing of cousin Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

Read more at The Daily Beast.


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