Nick Fuentes: ‘I Totally See Myself Accidentally Killing My Wife’

Photo Illustration by Erin O'Flynn/The Daily Beast/Getty Images

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White supremacist and proud incel Nick Fuentes has shockingly suggested he may accidentally kill his wife—that is if he ever finds a woman who would voluntarily choose to marry him.

“I totally see myself accidentally killing my wife ‘cause I just get mad, you know. We’ll be like years into the marriage, I’m gonna be angry about something. It’s gonna be a little bit too hot in the house. It’s gonna be one of those days where I haven’t slept all night, I haven’t eaten in a day. So I’m like in the worst possible mood and she’s gonna say something and I’m gonna just accidentally kill her. I’m just gonna hit her and she’s gonna hit her head on the counter and she’s just gonna like die,” he said. “She’s gonna say something, I’m gonna lose control. I’m gonna blast her and... no, I’m kidding, kidding, kidding, kidding, kidding, kidding, kidding. I’m just kidding. I’m just kidding. These are just jokes. I would never put my hand on anyone. I’m a lover. I don’t attack people... but you know, women do piss me off a lot.”

Read more at The Daily Beast.

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