Opinion: What I Learned When Trump Told a Weird Lie About My Ex-Boss

New York Daily News Archive

Dead men may tell no tales. But Donald Trump has no problem telling tales about dead men. In the past two months, Trump has repeatedly name checked Bob Tisch who passed away in 2005. The message is always the same.

“Bob Tisch of Loews, friend of mine, great guy. Wonderful man….” Trump said at a Sept. 24 Trump Tower press conference. “Bob Tisch used to tell me that he thinks San Francisco is the greatest city in the country. He passed away quite a while ago, but... San Francisco probably was.”

The first time I heard Trump mention Tisch’s love for San Francisco, I thought, “That’s weird.” The second time, I thought, “That’s wrong.” And the third time, I thought, “I should say something.”

Read more at The Daily Beast.


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