Anaqua Unveils PATTSY WAVE Version 8 IP Management Software

BOSTON, May 07, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Anaqua, the leading provider of innovation and intellectual property (IP) management technology, today announces the launch of PATTSY WAVE Version 8, the latest release of the patent and trademark management software. With this announcement, PATTSY WAVE Version 8 offers a streamlined IP management experience for IP professionals in corporations and law firms focused on efficient task execution.

Created to simplify workflows, mitigate risk, and elevate accuracy, Version 8's new components help IP professionals manage their portfolios with greater precision and ease. New capabilities include:

Inventor Portal: A cutting-edge tool that enhances collaboration between inventors and legal teams. The Inventor Portal streamlines the invention disclosure process with customizable, no-code questionnaires, intuitive tracking mechanisms for inventor awards, and automated workflows for legal processing.
APIs: PATTSY WAVE's APIs will provide ...

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