Rudy Giuliani Forced to Learn Accounting After Bankruptcy Beancounter Bails

Jeff Kowalsky/AFP via Getty Images

Rudy Giuliani’s bankruptcy accountant took $12,000 from him and quit, and now he can’t find anyone else willing to sign his financial statements—potentially forcing him to become his own accountant and assume personal responsibility for his records.

That’s one piece of eye-popping news found in a series of court records filed on Tuesday related to Donald Trump’s bankrupt, criminally indicted, slanderous former personal attorney’s ongoing financial woes. In all, the filings paint a picture of a recalcitrant debtor abusing the judicial system in an attempt to stave off his financial obligations with one hand, while blissfully draining his bank accounts with the other.

Giuliani’s creditors likened the experience to being “on a hamster wheel,” in a separate filing on Tuesday detailing their efforts to hold Giuliani accountable “for his recurring and continuous misdeeds.”

Read more at The Daily Beast.

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