Katt Williams Takes on Reparations and Hunter Biden in Live Netflix Special

Clifton Prescod/Netflix

INGLEWOOD, California—Given a live global platform Saturday night by Netflix, Katt Williams closed out an electric hour of comedy punctuated by multiple audio/visual cues with a call for the United States to pay out reparations for enslaving generations of Black Americans, and citing our eager willingness to fund other nations such as Ukraine right now as proof of concept.

“It is now time for Black people in America to get paid reparations for everything that them and their ancestors have been through in American history,” Williams declared in front of 6,000 in attendance at YouTube Theater in Inglewood, California, plus upward of millions more watching live on Netflix. “Why now, Katt? Thanks for asking, white friends. I’ll tell you why now. And understand white friends, I don’t speak for all Black people. But I do speak for all n—rs. And you are not supposed to know the difference.”

Williams continued: “The time is now. And understand, white friends. I know you’re thinking, no seriously, Katt, why now? I’ll tell you why. And these are the facts. We just gave $100 billion to the Ukraine. And God bless the Ukrainians. But off the record? We don’t know them n—-rs like that! You could’ve gave that money to Black people. The fuck? We done gave them all that money. The truth is they over there getting their ass whooped over there. You coulda gave that money to the Black people of Los Angeles, and they’d have went over there and whooped their ass in two weeks. Look. It looks like reparations is for Black people. But it’s not. It’s for you, white friend. It’s for you. It’s going to help us, but it’s for you. Sure, every Black person going to wake up with $20 million in the bank. So the fuck what? It’s for you, white friends. You think American been great before? Wait til we got a country full of rich n—rs. This fitting to be the greatest country in the world, bitch!”

Read more at The Daily Beast.


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