Lara Trump Misses the Point About How Elections Work During Fox News Interview

Fox News

The Republican National Committee’s new co-chair Lara Trump appeared to misunderstand how elections work on Fox News Sunday while defending a lawsuit filed in the state of Nevada last week by the RNC and the Trump campaign.

On Friday, the Republican National Committee, Trump Campaign, and Nevada Republican Party announced the suit against the Nevada Secretary of State for allowing mail-in ballots to be counted up to four days after the election. The four-day law was passed by Democrats in 2021, but the ballots must be postmarked by end of Election Day to be considered valid.

The campaign’s goal is to invalidate mail-in ballots that aren’t counted by Election Day. It is the first lawsuit filed by the Trump campaign this year, but the RNC has filed additional suits in other states across the country, including in Mississippi and North Dakota. According to the Associated Press, 19 states allow mail-in ballot votes to be received and counted after the election.

Read more at The Daily Beast.

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