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Newsletters | The Atlantic
Six Songs That Sound Like Middle School
Our writers and editors select tracks that bring them right back to those awkward, glorious years.
How Choices About Having Kids Really Get Made
It’s about a lot more than “baby fever”—and it may be about more than government support too.
An Era of Shamelessness in American Politics
Eric Adams is the latest public figure to frame accusations of wrongdoing as a targeted attack.
AI Is Triggering a Child-Sex-Abuse Crisis
Disaster is brewing on dark-web forums and in schools.
Millennials Are Now Pining for Their Youth. Welcome.
This is an edition of the Books Briefing, our editors’ weekly guide to the best in books. Sign up for it here.Be warned: I am a (late–) Gen X man attempting to write about the culture of Millennials, mostly women. I’m well aware of the dichotomies pitting “us” against “them”—my generation is complacent, sarcastic, and lucky; theirs is stocked with