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Letters to the Editor: Your 'protest vote' for Jill Stein is really a vote for Donald Trump
Don't like Kamala Harris' recent comment on guns? The solution is to support gun control, not vote for a Trump-enabling third-party spoiler.
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Opinion: Child care is now a central issue in the presidential race. That didn't happen overnight
Before Kamala Harris pushed family support to the forefront, contrasting with Donald Trump, generations of feminist activists championed care workers.
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Letters to the Editor: A 2026 California governor debate in 2024? Please don't
Six weeks before the 2024 election, the 2026 candidates for governor are already debating. Must the media give us all elections, all the time?
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Letters to the Editor: Donald Trump has a point about civil service rules being too protective
It's too hard to dismiss a federal government employee for poor performance. High unionization and civil service protections are to blame.
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Letters to the Editor: Israeli aggression won't defeat Hezbollah. Only a cease-fire in Gaza will work
Hezbollah is attacking Israel because of the war in Gaza. Ending the war and giving Palestinians their own country are how Israeli achieves peace.
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Opinion: Why Americans love scary stories — none of them scarier than our own
Jeremy Dauber's 'American Scary' is a thorough, witty, enlightening survey of our fascination with horror in all its forms and its intimate relationship with reality.
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Letters to the Editor: How California's big farms kill effective groundwater management
In the San Joaquin Valley, large-scale agriculture is fine with the status quo because it can dig deeper wells while smaller farms and communities dry up.
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