Opinion: Donald Trump’s Dancing Shows Just How Crazy He’s Become

Photo Illustration by Thomas Levinson/The Daily Beast/Getty/Reuters

This is the week Donald Trump’s fitness for office finally became an issue.

It wasn’t, as we all have been shocked to discover, the treason or the rape or the 34 felony counts or the impeachments that did it though. In fact, the moment Trump crossed the line from extremist maniac to extremist maniac who appears to need round-the-clock care, soft foods and an early bedtime, was not caused by any of his traditional acts of recklessness or mayhem.

Perversely, in fact, what ultimately did him in may turn out to have been the fact that most Americans didn’t think he could get any worse as a dancer than he has been all his adult life…and then he did.

Read more at The Daily Beast.


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