Opinion: MTG’s Boyfriend Brian Glenn Wants People Racially Profiled While Voting

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Brian Glenn, the national campaign correspondent at far-right outlet Real America’s Voice and the boyfriend of MAGA Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, wants voters racially profiled at polling places to ensure election integrity.

“If you go to a polling center and you see busloads, van loads of people walking up to vote that clearly perhaps look like they could be… let’s just make sure people are checking IDs because if people are going in with zero ID and they’re not a U.S. citizen then they shouldn’t be allowed to vote, period,” he said while covering a Trump rally last weekend. “So we need poll watchers that can perhaps sound the alarm if they think that is going on so that maybe some election officials can double check on that. So if we start to see all these caravan of people coming in, let’s make sure they’re all legal before we allow them to vote. It’s as simple as that.”

Read more at The Daily Beast.


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