I’m a British farmer. Here’s the scary truth about what’s happening to our crops | Guy Singh-Watson

The climate crisis is making the farming business unsustainable – and without support for us, food security will suffer too

Guy Singh-Watson is the founder of organic veg box company Riverford

Farming has always been a risky business. To the chaos of Brexit and the relentless squeezing of the supermarkets, we can add the rapidly escalating threats associated with climate change. In most industries, at the point where risk is judged to outweigh the potential commercial reward, both capital and people tend to make a swift exit, following economist Adam Smith’s “invisible hand” of self-interest.

The problem with farming is that most farmers are emotionally invested in their work. An exit is seldom considered – perhaps we should be more like the bankers, but they wouldn’t be much good at growing potatoes.

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The Guardian

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