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Israel says it conducted retaliatory strikes against Hezbollah in Lebanon, struck Hamas in Gaza

The Israel Defense Forces announced Sunday morning it was conducting strikes against the terror group Hezbollah in Lebanon after the group had attacked northern Israel.
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Submit a question for Jennifer Rubin about her columns, politics, policy and more
Submit your questions for Jennifer Rubin’s mail bag newsletter and live chat.
No on Proposition 36. California shouldn't revive the disastrous war on drugs
Proposition 36 won't end homelessness or crime waves. It will only refill prisons, push more people to the streets and erase criminal justice reform progress.
Underdog Fantasy Promo Code NYPBONUS Awards up to $1K Bonus Cash for NFL Week 3 Action on Sunday
Use the Underdog Fantasy promo code NYPBONUS for up to $1,000 in bonus cash from a 50% deposit match offer. .
Kathy Bates’ Superb ‘Matlock’ Reboot Has Fall TV’s Biggest Twist
Brooke Palmer/CBSThe discourse about TV reboots has already run its course multiple times in our current era of streaming and prestige television. There are a lot of them. It happens to almost every hit show. Sometimes it works, most of the time it doesn’t. They better not try it with The Sopranos. And so on.The most successful are often the ones that come out many decades after their source material was popular, allowing the reboot to insulate itself from comparisons to the original. CBS’s Matlock, in which Kathy Bates takes over for Andy Griffith as the titular lawyer, comes out almost 40 years after the original show’s premiere, and yet, in a creative twist, repeatedly makes sly nods to its remake status.Bates sheepishly introduces herself as “Madeline Matlock, like the TV show,” when she sneaks her way into the offices of Jacobson Moore, hungry for a job after losing everything to her late husband. She quickly proves herself resourceful, using her status as an elderly person to her advantage.Read more at The Daily Beast.
Erik Menendez Blasts Ryan Murphy’s Netflix Series ‘Monsters’ For Being “Inaccurate”
He accused the showrunner of having "bad intent" and presenting “ruinous character portrayals.”
Arsenal vs. Manchester City odds, picks: Premier League predictions, best bets Sunday
The biggest match of the Premier League season to date comes our way Sunday morning as four-time defending champion Manchester City hosts back-to-back runner-up Arsenal.
An Escape from the Front Line in Ukraine
An excerpt from one of the most ambitious stories in The Times Magazine’s history.
Three keys for Liberty in first-round matchup vs. Dream
Here are three keys for the Liberty heading into their first-round playoff series vs. the Dream. Game 1 is Sunday at 1 p.m.:
Six Sunday Reads
Spend time with stories about taking a break from dating, why people aren’t having kids, the insurrectionists next door, and more.
1 h
Health system to pay $65 million after hackers leaked nude patient photos
Lehigh Valley Health refused to pay a ransom to hackers. Now its hefty payout over a patient lawsuit is illuminating the high financial stakes of protecting especially sensitive information.
1 h
Ryan Reynolds says parents are ‘soft’ today in comparison to the ‘improvised militia’ he experienced
"Deadpool" star Ryan Reynolds said that parents todays are softer with their children – him included – than they were when he was growing up
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Dodgers pitcher Anthony Banda wants to make clear how he broke his hand
Dodgers pitcher Anthony Banda clarifies what happened when he broke a bone in his pitching hand, calling the incident "very embarrassing."
1 h
Mike Huckabee has role in new 'God's Not Dead' film, reveals why people of faith can support Trump
Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee has a supporting actor role in a new film series based on faith — saying it's very timely for today. He shared thoughts about the film, faith and more.
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Why Vinod Khosla Is All In on AI
Investor Vinod Khosla spoke with TIME about the future of AI and his thoughts on regulation.
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Indigenous Peoples Are Key to Navigating the Climate Crisis. We Deserve a Seat at the Table
Indigenous Peoples are often overlooked when it comes to global climate solutions. We deserve a say.
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I give to charity — but never to people on the street. Is that wrong?
Your Mileage May Vary is an advice column offering you a new framework for thinking through your ethical dilemmas and philosophical questions. This unconventional column is based on value pluralism — the idea that each of us has multiple values that are equally valid but that often conflict with each other. Here is a Vox reader’s question, condensed and edited for clarity. I think I have a duty to help people much poorer than me, and I give 10 percent of my salary to charities that I think are effective at preventing early death due to poverty. I also live in a city with a lot of visible homelessness, and am often solicited for money. My brain says that this is not an effective way to help people; the people asking might not be the neediest among the homeless in my city, and the people I’m sending malaria bednets and pills to are even needier. At the same time, I feel callous simply ignoring all these requests. What should I do? Dear Would-Be Optimizer, Nine times out of ten, when someone’s got an ethical dilemma, I think it’s because a couple of their core values are conflicting with each other. But you’re that tenth case. I say that because I don’t actually believe your question represents a battle royale between two different values. I think there’s one core value here — helping people — and one strategy that’s masquerading as a value. That strategy is optimization. I can tell from your phrasing that you’re really into it. You don’t just want to help people — you want to help people as effectively as possible. Since extreme poverty is concentrated in developing countries, and since your dollar goes much further there than it would in your home country, your optimizing impulse is telling you to send your charity money abroad.  Optimization started as a technique for solving certain math problems, but our society has elevated it to the status of a value — arguably one of the dominant values in the Western world. It’s been on the rise since the 1700s, when utilitarian thinkers seeded the idea that both economics and ethics should focus on maximizing utility (meaning, happiness or satisfaction): Just calculate how much utility each action would produce, and choose the one that produces the most. You can see this logic everywhere in modern life — from work culture, with its emphasis on productivity hacks and agile workflows, to wellness culture, with its emphasis on achieving perfect health and optimal sleep. The mandate to “Live your best life!” is turbocharged by Silicon Valley, which urges us to quantify every aspect of ourselves with Fitbits, Apple Watches, and Oura Rings, because the more data you have on your body’s mechanical functions, the more you can optimize the machine that is you.  Have a question you want me to answer in the next Your Mileage May Vary column? Feel free to email me at or fill out this anonymous form! Newsletter subscribers will get my column before anyone else does and their questions will be prioritized for future editions. Sign up here! Optimization definitely has its place, including in the world of charity. Some charitable organizations are much more effective than others trying to achieve the same goal. All things being equal, we don’t want to blow all our money on the wildly ineffective ones. Effective altruists, members of the utilitarian-flavored social movement that aims to do the most good possible, are fond of noting that the most effective charities out there actually produce 100 times more benefit than the average ones. Why not get the biggest bang for your buck?  The problem is that we’ve stretched optimization beyond its optimal limits. We try to apply it to everything. But not every domain in life can be optimized, at least not without compromising on some of our values.  In your case, you’re trying to optimize how much you help others, and you believe that means focusing on the neediest. But “neediest” according to what definition of needy? You could assume that financial need is the only type that counts, so you should focus first on lifting everyone out of extreme poverty, and only then help people in less dire straits. But are you sure that only the brute poverty level matters? Consider an insight from the Jewish tradition. The ancient rabbis were exquisitely sensitive to the psychological needs of poor people, and they argued that these needs should also be taken into account. So they decreed that you shouldn’t only give poor people enough money to survive on — they need to have more than that so they themselves can give charity to others. As Rabbi Jonathan Sacks writes, “On the face of it, the rule is absurd. Why give X enough money so that he can give to Y? Giving to Y directly is more logical and efficient. What the rabbis understood, however, is that giving is an essential part of human dignity.”  The rabbis also figured that those who used to be well-off but who fell into poverty might feel an especially acute sense of shame. So they suggested helping these people save face by offering them not just bare necessities, but also — when possible — some of the nicer things that graced their former lifestyles. In the Talmud, we hear about one rabbi who gave a newly poor person a fancy meal, and another who acted as the person’s servant for a day! Clearly, the ancient rabbis weren’t only aiming to alleviate poverty. They were also alleviating the shame that can accompany it. The point is that there are many ways to help people and, because they’re so different, they don’t submit to direct comparison. Comparing poverty and shame is comparing apples to oranges; one can be measured in dollars, but the other can’t. Likewise, how can you ever hope to compare preventing malaria with alleviating depression? Saving lives versus improving them? Or saving the life of a kid versus saving the life of an adult?  Yet if you want to optimize, you need to be able to run an apples-to-apples comparison — to calculate how much good different things do in a single currency, so you can pick the best option. But because helping people isn’t reducible to one thing — it’s lots of incommensurable things, and how to rank them depends on each person’s subjective philosophical assumptions — trying to optimize in this domain will mean you have to artificially simplify the problem. You have to pretend there’s no such thing as oranges, only apples. And when you try to do that, an unfortunate thing happens. You end up rushing past all the unhoused people in your city and, as you put it, you “feel callous simply ignoring all these requests.” Ignoring these human beings comes at a cost, not only to them, but to you. It has a damaging effect on your moral conscience, which feels moved to help but is being told not to. This story was first featured in the Future Perfect newsletter. Sign up here to explore the big, complicated problems the world faces and the most efficient ways to solve them. Sent twice a week. Even some leaders in effective altruism and the adjacent rationalist community recognize this as a problem and advise people not to shut up that part of themselves. Rationalist Eliezer Yudkowsky, for example, says it’s okay to donate some money to causes that make us feel warm and fuzzy but that aren’t producing maximum utility. His advice is to “purchase fuzzies and utilons separately” — meaning, devote one pot of money to pet causes and another (much bigger) pot of money to the most cost-effective charities. You can, he says, get your warm fuzzies by volunteering at a soup kitchen and “let that be validated by your other efforts to purchase utilons.”  I would also suggest diversifying your giving portfolio, but it’s not because I think you need to “validate” the warm fuzzies. Instead, it’s because of another value: integrity.  When 20th-century British philosopher and critic of utilitarianism Bernard Williams talked about integrity, he meant it in the literal sense of the word, which has to do with a person’s wholeness (think of related words like “integration”). He argued that moral agency does not sit in a contextless vacuum — it is always some specific person’s agency, and as specific people we have specific commitments.  For example, a mother has a commitment to ensuring her kid’s well-being, over and above her general wish for all kids everywhere to be well. Utilitarianism says she has to consider everyone’s well-being equally, with no special treatment for her own kid — but Williams says that’s an absurd demand. It alienates her from a core part of herself, ripping her into pieces, wrecking her wholeness — her integrity.  It sounds like that’s what you’re feeling when you pass a person experiencing homelessness and ignore them. Ignoring them makes you feel bad because it alienates you from the part of you that is moved by this person’s suffering — that sees the orange but is being told there are only apples. That core part of you is no less valuable than the optimizing part, which you liken to your “brain.” It’s not dumber or more irrational. It’s the part that cares deeply about helping people, and without it, the optimizing part would have nothing to optimize!  So rather than trying to override it, I would encourage you to honor your wish to help in all its fullness. You won’t be able to run a direct apples-to-apples comparison, but that’s okay. Different types of help are useful in their own way and you can divvy up your budget between them, even though there’s no perfect formula to spit out the “optimal” allocations.  Diversifying your giving portfolio might look something like this. You keep a small amount of cash or gift cards on you, which you hand out to unhoused people you encounter directly. You put aside a larger amount to donate to a local or national charity with a strong track record. And you devote another amount to a highly effective charity abroad.  You might feel annoyed that there’s no universal mathematical formula that can tell you the best thing to do. If so, I get it. I want the magic formula too! But I know that desire is distinct from the core value here. Don’t let optimization eat the real value you hold dear.  Bonus: What I’m reading I recently read Optimal Illusions, a book by mathematician Coco Krumme that traces the roots of optimization’s overreach. As she puts it, “Over the past century, optimization has made an impressive epistemic land grab.”  When torn between competing moral theories, does it make sense to diversify your donations in proportion to how much you believe in each theory? Some philosophers argue against that view, but Michael Plant and coauthors defend it in this new paper. This gorgeously written essay by anthropologist Manvir Singh introduced me to the term “cooperating without looking” (or, because it’s a New Yorker essay, “coöperating without looking”). This “tendency to willfully ignore costs and benefits when helping others” — to help without calculating what you’ll gain from the altruistic act — is “a key feature of both romantic love and principled behavior.” When we help this way, people trust us more. 
1 h
Panthers vs. Raiders, Giants vs. Browns prediction: NFL Week 3 odds, picks
Football handicapper Sean Treppedi is in his first season in The Post’s NFL Bettor’s Guide. 
1 h
Giants defense preaching simplicity going into Browns matchup: ‘Doing our job’
Too much has thus far provided the Giants with far too little.
2 h
Mets’ Kodai Senga sharp in one-inning rehab start
Kodai Senga threw one scoreless inning while walking one and striking out two on 15 pitches with Triple-A Syracuse.
2 h
MTA’s $68.4B capital program is pure fiction —unless Hochul steps up
Unless and until Gov. Hochul becomes a firmer leader, the MTA's massive infrastructure plan will remain unfunded — a lot of ideas, and no way to pay for them.
2 h
For Climate Week, let’s reject the green fantasy: Carbon is NOT the enemy
Despite the ramped-up doomsday rhetoric, our environment is thriving — and this is the best time in human history to be alive, thanks to fossil fuels.
2 h
Thank you, Caitlin Clark, for a rookie season that elevated the WNBA
Caitlin Clark proved herself to be that rare player who can lift an entire league on her shoulders.
2 h
NYC jury awards $2.78M to au pair who was secretly filmed by creepy chicken mogul
A Manhattan jury has awarded $2.78 million to a “petrified” au pair who was secretly videotaped by a creepy Staten Island dad and fast-food chicken mogul — but the victim is outraged he got only a “slap on the wrist” from prosecutors. Michael Esposito, 35, recorded “hundreds” of nude videos of Colombia native Kelly Andrade,...
2 h
Explosion at an Iranian Mine Kills Dozens, State Media Says
A methane leak set off the explosion, killing at least 51 people, the country’s official media said.
2 h
USC's loss to Michigan a reminder that Lincoln Riley falters under pressure
USC should have beaten Michigan, but curious play calls from Lincoln Riley raise questions as to whether he can lead the Trojans to a national title.
2 h
Op-comic: My family has a legacy of absent fathers. But that doesn't define our future
An adapted excerpt from Teresa Wong's graphic memoir "All Our Ordinary Stories: A Multigenerational Family Odyssey."
2 h
Where have all the orange groves gone?
In Southern California, a long time has passed since our famed citrus crop dominated the landscape. The orange groves have instead gone to housing developments, nearly every one.
2 h
Kamala Harris tried being something she wasn't. Now that liberal makeover is dogging her candidacy
Harris moved notably leftward in her 2020 bid for president, seeing it as the best path to the Democratic nomination. But the move failed to reflect Harris' true self, which is more center-left.
2 h
In rural Wisconsin, a tangle of facts and fears over faraway refugees
Amid a presidential election animated by immigration policy, a county board and their riled-up constituents wrestle with who belongs in America and who doesn’t.
2 h
D.C.-area forecast: Clouds and a stray shower today, then unsettled through midweek
Temperatures tend to be a little cooler than average the next several days.
2 h
Sean Combs and Dominique Pelicot Aren’t Such Outliers
It’s easy to miss how much these cases have in common with everyday reality.
2 h
Funny, it isn't hard to make a comedy show that autistic adults can enjoy too
"Let It Out," a stand-up show hosted at the Laugh Factory, aimed to demonstrate that making comedy shows inclusive for neurodivergent people could be easy.
2 h
Letters to the Editor: Have a daughter? This is what voting for Donald Trump tells her
A reader suggests the letter that fathers should write to their daughters explaining why they're voting for Donald Trump.
2 h
Israel’s Pager Attacks Have Changed the World
Our supply chains are vulnerable, which means that we are vulnerable.
2 h
NC rallygoers 'praying' that Trump wins, slam Dem rhetoric calling him a 'threat' after assassination attempts
Rallygoers at former President Trump's Wilmington, North Carolina, rally told Fox News Digital why they are supporting the Republican nominee in 2024.
2 h
Why Trump Can’t Shake Project 2025
The former president’s problem in the 2024 election is that he can no longer run as if he is a man alone.
2 h
MAGA Wants Transgression. Mark Robinson Is the Result.
If you favor more of this, vote for Trump.
2 h
Los Angeles school kids, get off your damn phones! Trust me, you'll thank us later
A new L.A. Unified School District rule banning cellphones in classrooms begins in January. It will improve the learning environment and social interactions.
2 h
Californians would love for Kamala Harris to steal this Trump idea
Californians would love it if Kamala Harris stole former President Trump's idea to uncap the state and local tax deduction.
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Letters to the Editor: What the Biden administration can do to stop the labor-and-delivery care crisis
Labor and delivery wards require expensive stand-by staffing. Insurers should cover those costs to stop hospitals from shutting down these crucial wards.
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Letters to the Editor: I helped expose a puppy mill pipeline 30 years ago. Nothing has changed
A former investigator for the Humane Society of the United States says Department of Agriculture rule changes can help shut down puppy mills for good.
2 h
Palos Verdes landslide keeps getting worse. Residents' anger boils
Officials still know little about the extent of the Portuguese Bend land movement on the Palos Verdes Peninsula, leaving residents in a torturous limbo.
2 h
Man dies in freak accident involving frozen hamburgers: 'Difficult to hear'
A Welsh man died in a freak accident involving frozen burgers, according to a recent court hearing. The victim, Barry Griffiths, was 57 years old when he died in June 2023.
2 h
Wildfires can release more energy than an atomic bomb. No wonder they look apocalyptic
Uncontrolled wildfires can be powerful enough to generate their own weather.
2 h
A Princeton Professor’s Advice to Young Conservatives
Grievance is not a good foundation for an identity.
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Money Talk: A retirement catch-22 and health savings accounts
To pay for their dream retirement home, a couple needs to tap their IRAs, but withdrawing the money will mean higher Medicare premiums. Is there a way to avoid the hit?
2 h
School lunch fees are taking a toll on parents, U.S. consumer watchdog finds
The U.S. consumer watchdog has found that low-income families typically pay as much as 60 cents per dollar in fees when paying for school lunches electronically.
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NFL Week 3 predictions: Picks against the spread for every game
The Post's Dave Blezow returns for Season 31 of the Bettor's Guide to give his Week 3 NFL picks.
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