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Opinion | New York Post
  1. Why is race still a factor in adoption? “I know you really want to be parents, and I can tell that you would love and dote on the child,” Angela Tucker, a consultant for an adoption agency, told Todd and Tammy. “But adopting a Black child requires more than love. I will not be recommending that you proceed with adopting a Black child.”...
  2. ‘COVID czar’ Dr. Jay Varma’s admissions reveal the hypocrisy of the pandemic Today, Dr. Jay Varma finds himself bobbing alone on a raft on the River Styx.
  3. Screen-caused migraines and more: Letters to the Editor — Sept. 22, 2024 NYPost readers discuss screens triggering migraines, Kamala Harris' position on Israel and more.
  4. Why a president’s financial health is just as important as their politics A president’s personal finances are something directly under their own control and are therefore a reflection of their values.
  5. NY Times smearing Chief Justice Roberts strikes new low in left’s Supreme Court war The New York Times offered up a hit on Chief Justice John Roberts, falsely charging him with “deploying his authority to steer rulings that benefited” Donald Trump in “a momentous trio of Jan. 6-related cases.”
  6. Berkeley business-owners are taking city rot into their own hands Nearly 500 days ago, the Berkeley City Council gathered to receive feedback from the community. Only half of the council bothered to visit the adjacent encampment before hustling inside.
  7. No one knows what Kamala Harris believes, and that’s the REAL threat to democracy Kamala Harris is very clearly lying and obfuscating in order to win and no-one in the media cares.
  8. Dear Abby: My parents only invited one of my young children on a cruise Dear Abby advises a mom on how to deal with grandparents favoring one child over the other.
  9. Acting Columbia prez is just another anti-Israel lefty, proving the rot runs bone deep “If you could just let everybody know who was hurt” by Shafik calling the cops on the encampments and occupiers “that I’m just incredibly sorry,” blubbered Armstrong to a student newspaper.
  10. ‘Black Nazi’ GOP governor candidate Mark Robinson must end his campaign — or he’ll let Kamala Harris win North Carolina The biggest news on the swing-state map this week: election expert Larry Sabato moving North Carolina’s gubernatorial race from “lean Democratic” to “likely Democratic” in the wake of the latest round of embarrassing revelations about embattled Lt. Gov. Mark Robinson, the hapless GOP candidate this cycle. Sabato is being generous. It’s more than likely Democratic...
  11. Kamala Harris’ stealth campaign aims to sneak into office by running out the clock Like Biden in 2020, Harris has nationalized a new kind of cynical campaign in which leftist candidates seek for a few months to deceive the public into thinking they are moderate — until elected.
  12. Oprah’s redirect shows that Kamala can’t give a straight answer on policy During a softball conversation with Oprah Winfrey for a "Unite for America" event in Michigan on Thursday, Harris was asked by a member of the audience how she planned to secure the border.
  13. How to prevent some scandals, elite schools defying Supremes? and other commentary Emerging “details” of the investigations into City Hall and top agencies “hint at how to prevent such scandals,” observes City Journal’s Nicole Gelinas.
  14. The MTA’s $68.4B capital plan is a pathetic joke The MTA's new so-called capital "plan" barely qualifies as a passive-aggressive political stunt.
  15. Why is New York City so afraid to discuss gender affirmation in schools? The New York City schools adopted a gender-affirmation model without the input of medical professionals, a commission review or even any public input that took testimony from parents or other stakeholders.
  16. Gov. Kathy Hochul refuses to get tough with colleges that indulge antisemites After a spring semester full of encampments on New York college campuses, chants for the death of Jews at NYU and pro-Hamas strongholds at Columbia’s Hamilton Hall, Jewish students were hoping for a quiet fall semester.
  17. Sean ‘Diddy’ Combs faces sexual abuse charges: Letters to the Editor— Sep. 21, 2024 NY Post readers discuss a new federal indictment filed against rapper Sean Combs for sexual abuse and trafficking.
  18. Dems send message to violent supporters: Who will rid us of this meddlesome Trump? The second assassination attempt against Donald Trump gave us a moment of profound insight.
  19. COVID czar Jay Varma’s 2020 drug-fueled partying exposes public-health ‘experts’ as hypocritical tyrants Bill de Blasio's COVID czar was going to underground raves and throwing MDMA-fueled hotel parties while demanding everyone else stay locked up in their houses forever.
  20. Kamala Harris is nowhere to be seen with Election Day less than two months away Kamala Haris had done three interviews since July 21 and has held zero press conferences.
  21. New York may be great for public-school teachers — but kids and taxpayers pay a high price New York is the best state to be a public-school teacher, reports the financial-services-consumer site WalletHub; we believe it — but too bad it’s not so great for the students.