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Morning Mix
  1. Puppy abandoned with heart-rending note is adopted, named Minerva “Good Puppy. House Broken. Don’t Have A Name,” read the handwritten message with a pup who was was left at the Pennsylvania SPCA.
  2. The fixer or the lackey? Michael Cohen has been called a “fixer,” a guy who cleans up messes and calms the waters. But mostly, he left a trail of wreckage in a bid to keep Trump happy.
  3. Bannon should report for prison now, Justice Department tells judge The Justice Department asked a federal judge to order the former Trump adviser to immediately start his four-month prison sentence for contempt of Congress.
  4. Eight killed, 38 injured in farmworker bus crash in rural Florida The bus crashed into a Ford Ranger truck shortly after sunrise. Fifty-three farmworkers are believed to have been on the bus at the time of the collision.