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Why it’ll be even harder for Trump to steal the election this time

An older white man with short graying hair wears black sunglasses and a suit. He is pictured mid-speech. Several American flags wave in the air behind him.
Former Trump lawyer John Eastman.

The fight over who will become the next president is unlikely to end on Election Day if Vice President Kamala Harris prevails in the upcoming election. 

We know this because of former President Donald Trump’s behavior after he lost the 2020 election. Trump didn’t just incite an insurrection at the US Capitol on January 6, 2021; he and his fellow Republicans filed a wave of lawsuits seeking to skew the election results. And, with the help of some of the most unscrupulous lawyers in the country, Trump devised a fantastical scheme to replace legitimate members of the Electoral College with his own loyalists.

Yet, while more shenanigans are almost certainly inevitable if Trump comes up short in November, the legal landscape in 2024 is less favorable to these kinds of dirty tricks than it was in 2020. The biggest reason for that is that lawyers thrive on novelty, while courts are supposed to follow previous precedents when deciding new cases.

In 2020, the world was suffering from the unusual calamity of the pandemic, which raised all sorts of legal questions that courts had not confronted before. That gave judges who were inclined to rule in Trump’s favor —Republicans control the federal judiciary — more leeway to place a thumb on the scale favoring the Republican Party and to do so without being accused of violating a clear precedent to the contrary.

In 2024, by contrast, large swaths of Americans are no longer cowering in their homes, fearful that a trip to the polls could infect them with Covid-19. Both the law and the nature of the two parties’ coalitions have shifted in ways that make it harder for Republicans to toy with who is able to cast a ballot.

That’s not to say anyone should expect Harris to simply be able to walk into the White House, even if she wins fair and square. If Harris prevails, Trump lawsuits seeking to overturn her victory are all but inevitable, as could be attempts to repeat the January 6 insurrection.

Indeed, some of this legal maneuvering has already begun. On Wednesday evening, for example, the Pennsylvania Supreme Court rejected the Republican Party’s claim that certain voters who cast mailed-in ballots improperly should effectively be disenfranchised, rather than being given another opportunity to vote on Election Day. It is probably inevitable that this case will be appealed to the US Supreme Court. If the highest Court embraces the GOP’s argument, that could potentially flip the result of an extraordinarily close election to Trump — but only if the winner of the presidential election all comes down to Pennsylvania, and the Pennsylvania race is very close.

It is difficult to predict in advance how many ballots will be impacted by this case, which is known as Genser v. Butler County Board of Elections, during the 2024 cycle, but we’re probably only talking about enough votes to increase Harris’s vote count by maybe a few thousand.

Overall, moreover — even taking into account the Genser case — Trump’s lawyers have less to work with this year than they did four years ago.

Novel legal issues breed bad law

The worst place to be, if you are a lawyer, is arguing a truly novel case before a hostile panel of judges.

Democrats already got a taste of this nightmare earlier this year. There’s never been a viable presidential candidate who incited an insurrection. Nor has there been one who, while previously serving as president, committed very serious crimes while in office. These unique facts produced unprecedented court proceedings, including a Colorado Supreme Court decision holding Trump ineligible for the presidency because of his role in the insurrection and a criminal prosecution of a former president.

The Republican-controlled Supreme Court, however, seized upon these unique cases to hand down two extraordinarily pro-Trump decisions: one that effectively neutralized the Constitution’s ban on insurrectionist presidents for the duration of the 2024 election, and another that gave Donald Trump sweeping immunity from criminal prosecution for crimes he committed using the power of the presidency.

The only good thing that can be said about these decisions is that they are in the past. Trump’s criminality did raise novel legal questions, but those questions have now been resolved. It’s hard to see how Trump’s lawyers could leverage the fact that he incited an insurrection in 2020 to challenge the result of the 2024 election, or to change how that election is conducted any more than he already has.

The pandemic is over. That’s bad news for Trump’s legal team.

The 2020 election itself raised a host of novel legal questions, but those questions largely emerged from the highly unusual circumstances created by the Covid-19 pandemic. During the pandemic, many voters understandably did not wish to vote in an indoor polling place where they could potentially catch the coronavirus from a fellow citizen. So state and federal officials altered election procedures in many states to make it easier to cast ballots by mail.

In Wisconsin, for example, a federal judge ruled that certain mailed ballots that arrived after Election Day should still be counted — the state was struggling to process an unprecedented number of requests for such ballots, and many were not mailed until very close to that state’s April 2020 judicial election. In South Carolina, another judge temporarily blocked a state law requiring absentee voters to have another person sign their ballot as a witness. In Pennsylvania, the state supreme court ruled that many ballots received up to three days after the November election would be counted.

Significantly, however, all three of these decisions received a chilly reception from a Republican Supreme Court. In the Wisconsin case, the Republican justices ordered the state to toss out ballots that were not postmarked by Election Day — even though many ballots had no postmark at all. In the South Carolina case, the Supreme Court reinstated the state law

The Pennsylvania Supreme Court’s decision, meanwhile, wound up surviving contact with the US Supreme Court, but probably only due to an accident of timing. The case reached the Court during the interregnum between Democratic Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s death and Republican Justice Amy Coney Barrett’s confirmation, and the eight remaining justices split 4-4 on whether to toss out the contested Pennsylvania ballots

Ultimately, the Court dismissed the case as moot, in large part because Biden won the state by a large enough margin that it wouldn’t have mattered if these ballots were thrown in the trash.

But the fact that Biden’s margin of victory was enough to overcome this lawsuit does not mean that the democratic process would have played out fairly if the election had been closer. Had Pennsylvania been close enough that the fate of these contested ballots would have decided it, the Republican justices could have easily made up a reason to hand the election to Trump — the Court’s right flank even had a legal argument ready to go, and the novelty of the legal issues presented by the pandemic would have left Biden without any clear precedent he could use to criticize such a ruling.

In any event, few, if any, of the novel legal questions that arose out of the pandemic are still an issue in 2024. And even if Republicans do succeed in having many mailed ballots tossed out, they are unlikely to gain as much of an advantage from such a decision as they would have in 2020.

One reason Republican lawyers targeted vote-by-mail rules in 2020 was that Democrats were far more likely to vote by mail than Republicans — an MIT report on the 2020 election found that “[s]ixty percent of Democrats, compared to 32 percent of Republicans, reported voting by mail.” So Trump’s lawyers knew they could potentially change the election result by maximizing the number of mailed ballots that got tossed out.

This year, by contrast, early data suggests that Republicans are less reluctant to vote absentee than they were in 2020. And more Democrats in states that offer both in-person and mail-in voting are expected to vote in person because there’s no longer a pandemic forcing them to remain at home. 

To be sure, Republicans apparently still believe they can gain an advantage by making it harder to vote by mail. Why would the GOP have asked the Pennsylvania Supreme Court to disqualify many voters who cast a mailed ballot in the Genser case, after all, unless Republicans believed that Democrats still have an edge among people who vote by mail? But this edge is likely to be smaller than it was in 2020.

More broadly, beyond the insurrection-related issues that the Republican justices already resolved in Trump’s favor, Trump’s lawyers have yet to identify similarly novel legal questions that could give the courts sweeping authority to reshape how the 2024 election is conducted.

That doesn’t mean that the courts will behave themselves, especially if the 2024 election is close, but it does give Trump’s legal team less material to work with than they had in 2020.

Low-propensity voters increasingly favor Republicans

For most of the 2000s, the battle lines in the voting rights wars were pretty clearly defined: Republicans tended to support legislation that made it marginally more difficult to vote, while Democrats fought in both court and in state and federal legislatures to make it easier to cast a ballot.

As recently as 2021, for example, Georgia Republicans reacted to Biden’s 2020 victory in that state by tightening down the state’s voter ID law, limiting the use of drop boxes to collect ballots, banning volunteers from giving food and water to people waiting in line to vote, and paving the way for a MAGA takeover of the state’s board of elections. Democrats almost universally opposed this Georgia law.

Similarly, on the US Supreme Court, Republican justices have consistently voted to uphold restrictive election laws and to dismantle laws like the federal Voting Rights Act, which are intended to hinder these kinds of restrictions. 

For the moment, at least, neither party appears to be backing away from its historic position on voting rights. But it is less clear than it was, say, 15 years ago, that these kinds of restrictions benefit Republicans. It’s possible that, to the extent that they matter at all, some of these laws might give a slight boost to Democratic presidential candidate Kamala Harris.

One reason why it is now less clear that these sorts of laws harm Democrats is that we have more data than we did a dozen years ago. In the 2010s, for example, voting rights advocates and even many journalists and academics warned that strict voter ID laws (which require voters to show photo ID at the polls in order to vote) could significantly diminish Democratic turnout. Election forecaster Nate Silver, for example, predicted that a strict voter ID law in Pennsylvania “would reduce President Obama’s margin against Mitt Romney by a net of 1.2 percentage points” in the 2012 election.

More recent studies, however, suggest that voter ID is a wash. A 2019 paper, for example, found that “the laws have no negative effect on registration or turnout, overall or for any group defined by race, gender, age, or party affiliation.”

Even if these laws do work as intended, it’s no longer clear that Republicans benefit from marginal restrictions on the franchise — whether that restriction is a voter ID law or something similar like limits on early voting or voting by mail. 

Since Trump arrived on the scene, however, Democrats have made gains among high-propensity voting demographics such as highly educated voters and suburbanites. Trump, meanwhile, has made inroads with many of the same groups that were once believed to be discouraged from voting by laws like voter ID. 

Republicans, in other words, now have less incentive to pass laws or push lawsuits that will make it harder to vote on the margins, and if they do use these tactics, they could come to regret it. At the very least, it is now far from clear that Republicans can skew elections by placing small but significant legal hurdles between voters and the polls.

Congress fixed an incomprehensible election law

Until recently, the process Congress used to count and certify the Electoral College’s votes for a new president was governed by the Electoral Count Act, an 1887 law signed by then-President Grover Cleveland. If you enjoy pain, you can read the full text of this law here. I can assure you that it is so labyrinthian it might have been drafted by a minotaur.

After Trump’s failed insurrection in 2020, however, a bipartisan coalition of lawmakers enacted a new law governing the vote-counting process, which reads more like a modern-day statute. That takes away Trump’s legal team’s ability to hunt for ambiguous passages in the old law and claim that they require Trump to be placed back in the White House.

Admittedly, one of the most glaring problems with the old law is unlikely to be an issue in 2024. The old law stated that the vice president shall preside over the congressional session where electoral votes are counted but did not specify the vice president’s specific duties. In 2020, Trump and his lawyers tried to claim that then-Vice President Mike Pence had the power to effectively toss out many of Biden’s electoral votes and install Trump as the winner.

The new law, by contrast, clarifies that the vice president’s duties are almost entirely “ministerial in nature.” 

In any event, Kamala Harris is currently both the sitting vice president and the Democratic nominee for the presidency, so the likelihood that she would toss out some of her own electoral votes is vanishingly small. But the new law clarifies that a future vice president cannot use the counting process to change the result of an election.

That clarification — and the others — should give Trump’s lawyers less to work with if they want to try to overthrow the result of the 2024 election.

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‘Okay, I Will Join the Marines’
The old Marine Richard “Lefty” Leflar died two weeks ago at his home in West Conshohocken, just outside Philadelphia, mean as ever, at the end of an afternoon of watching football, smoking cigarettes, and eating waffles with ice cream; his body riddled with half-century-old shrapnel, his back killing him, his heart wittering; yelling into the phone at his son, Brian, who lived a few doors away, to “run down the fucking street and carry me up the fucking steps!”Brian came running.“The only guy I’ve ever been scared of my entire life,” Brian told me, lovingly.I met Lefty about 10 years ago, while working on my book Hue 1968, about the biggest, bloodiest battle fought by American troops in Vietnam. Gruff, muscular, weather-beaten, tattooed, chain-smoking, drinking beer, gnawing on homemade venison jerky, he spoke with me only after extracting a promise not to sugarcoat his words. Then he had a momentary misgiving.“I don’t want to make the Marine Corps look bad, you know what I mean?” he said.He was just 17 when he was hauled before a local magistrate— “I was a bit of a hoodlum” he told me. The magistrate, who held court in his barbershop, told him: “You have got two choices, my man. They really want to put you in juvie—you know we have to put you somewhere. Or join the Marines.”“Okay,” Lefty said, “I will join the Marines.” A boy who had been arrested with him made the same decision. Leflar in a formal Marines portrait (left) and his Platoon 2036 in Parris Island, South Carolina, in 1967 (Brian Leflar) [Jeffrey Goldberg: Trump: ‘I need the kind of generals that Hitler had’]Lefty was 18 by the time he was airlifted into the middle of the Battle of Hue (pronounced Hway), so fresh from training that he lacked combat gear and was still wearing his stateside greens, starched and pressed, complete with the stiff regulation cap with the Marine Corps emblem. Hours later he found himself weaponless, huddled in a crater filled with decaying bodies, his clothes blown off, a big gash on his head, cuts all over, bombs and shells exploding all around, too repulsed and horrified to remain in the hole but too terrified to climb out.The dead “stunk like hell, and you could see, like, a fucking eyeball popping, and they are all fucking purple and what the fuck,” he told me. Then, in his chair, he drew up his legs and wrapped his arms around them and wailed. He said, “Just like that, a little baby, cried like a little girl.”Lefty’s story was just one of thousands from that battle, but it has always stayed with me as an illustration of what countless young Americans endured in Vietnam. They were ready to fight for their country, trusted in the powers that deployed them, but, as Lefty put it, were largely ignorant of why. “Marine privates are not told too much,” he said, “and are the first to die.” His story contrasts vividly with that of Che Thi Mung, also 18 at the time, from a village just outside Hue, who was caught up and wounded in the same battle, fighting for the other side. Che Thi Mung (via Mark Bowden) Che was passionate. When I met her in Hue, the same year I met Lefty, she explained that she had been fighting for independence, a struggle that had engaged her family for generations, first against the French and then the Americans. Her father had been arrested and imprisoned. Her older sister had been killed. She herself had been arrested by South Vietnamese troops and waterboarded. Hue was her home. She was fiercely devoted to her cause and was willing to die for it.As for Lefty: “I knew about Vietnam from boot camp. I didn’t know on the map where it was. As far as Hue, I couldn’t even say the name correctly; I pronounced it Hyoo. I didn’t have a clue as to where I was. I was shell-shocked as soon as I got there. I couldn’t hear, and I walked around in a daze half the time.”Strip away the Cold War pieties that drew us into that war, and you are left with two teenagers on opposite sides in a sprawling fight to the death: a Vietnamese girl who knew exactly what she was doing and a tough boy from Philly without a clue. More than half a century later, we know that the fears that drove America to war were illusory: that Vietnam would become a satellite of Red China, that the fall of Vietnam would condemn the rest of Southeast Asia to the same fate. Such ideas are as faded as the snapshots that soldiers like Lefty sent home. They ought to make us forever skeptical of all such rationales, and remind us that the casualties of war number far more than the tallies of killed, wounded, and missing, and of those who later take their own life. Today, as the U.S. enjoys friendly relations with a unified Vietnam, it’s hard to even imagine a good answer to the question Why?Lefty finished his tour and came home angry. He’d seen a great deal of suffering and lost some good friends. He’d witnessed things that broke his heart. He had shrapnel embedded in his head and various other parts of his body, including his back, which would cause many years of suffering. The boy who’d enlisted with him was shot in the head two weeks in, and spent the rest of his life severely brain damaged.[Beverly Cage: America is suffering an identity crisis]“I was fucked up,” Lefty told me. “I been nuts since the war. I was nuts before I went in. I couldn’t handle my first marriage. It was absolute war—that poor girl had to put up with my shit. And all I did was fight; I would fight anybody. I would walk into a fucking bar and say, Let’s go. You three, outside. I did not care if I got beat up or not. I was nuts.”After the war, Che was celebrated as a hero. Stories were written about her and the other “Hmong River Girls” who fought in Hue and other places. A statue honoring them was erected near the place where Che was wounded during the battle. It’s now a busy intersection outside a stadium. The shoulder where she got hit still troubles her. She went on to become a doctor. When I met her in 2016, she was retired. She cried as she remembered the terror, the pain, and the friends she had lost.Lefty stayed angry, mostly at those whose ideas and orders put him and his buddies through hell. He distrusted anyone in authority. When the internet made it possible for him to reconnect with old war buddies, together they built a context for their war experiences, one based on fellowship and love. He was proud of his service, despite everything; proud enough to want me to include his story in the book. He was particularly proud of being a Marine. But he never sugarcoated his experience, and he never saw himself as a hero.His wife, Donna, told me: “He would say, the only heroes are the ones who are dead.”
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Zika is still spreading. Why don’t we have a vaccine yet?
Maria Jose holds her twin granddaughters Heloisa and Heloa Barbosa, both born with microcephaly, outside of their house in Areia, Paraiba state, Brazil on April 16, 2017. The twins were born to Raquel who said she contracted Zika virus during her pregnancy. | Mario Tama/Getty Images When it comes to infectious diseases, the mosquitos are winning. In the last year, health officials reported a spike in dengue and have recorded infections even in nontropical areas, where the disease typically did not spread. Malaria is resurging in parts of North and South America, Africa, and Asia. Even Anthony Fauci, the former director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, contracted a nasty case of West Nile from a mosquito in his backyard in DC. Some of the increase can be explained by mosquitos thriving in new places thanks to changes in temperature and rainfall. Mosquitoes and the pathogens they carry are also developing resistance to the pesticides and drugs previously used to eliminate them.  This story was first featured in the Future Perfect newsletter. Sign up here to explore the big, complicated problems the world faces and the most efficient ways to solve them. Sent twice a week. The US government and other global health donors have invested billions to develop new vaccines and medicines for mosquito-borne diseases such as dengue, malaria, and chikungunya. One virus, though, that has faded into the background still has no vaccine and no cure: Zika. In 2015, the Zika virus — which had previously rarely infected humans — suddenly spread rapidly, leading to more than a million cases over two years. Even worse, scientists observed a horrifying phenomenon: A small fraction of infected pregnant women gave birth to children with what became known as congenital Zika syndrome, characterized by severe birth defects such as hearing and vision loss, feeding problems, and microcephaly, a neurological condition in which babies have abnormally small heads. In Brazil, which was hardest hit by the epidemic, more than 3,500 babies were born with Zika-related birth defects. Fortunately, the number of Zika infections worldwide declined rapidly toward the end of 2016, albeit for reasons still largely unknown. A leading theory is that the virus spread so fast that communities developed herd immunity. Or perhaps mosquito control efforts, like spraying pesticides and encouraging communities to eliminate sources of standing water, wiped out the virus’s transmission route. The continental US has not recorded any cases since 2018 and US territories have not since 2019.  Unfortunately, as Zika cases declined, so did global funding and interest in Zika. Public health officials and, more importantly, donors and policymakers turned toward other priorities, including the coming Covid-19 pandemic. No Zika vaccine ever came to fruition.  Despite the decline in attention, Zika is still spreading in many countries. In the first half of 2023, health officials recorded about 27,000 Zika infections in the Americas, with Brazil the most affected country with more than 2,700 cases. Thousands of babies are still being born with preventable disabilities.   “With a safe and effective Zika vaccine, we could eliminate the possibility of congenital Zika syndrome, and I think that would have a huge impact,” said Anna Durbin, a professor of international health and global disease epidemiology and control at Johns Hopkins University. “Even if there are few cases of congenital Zika syndrome, just the emotional, financial effect of that is huge.” Scientists and global health experts warn that Zika, alongside other mosquito-borne infectious diseases, could make a broader resurgence. The first step to defeating pandemics is, of course, prevention, and a Zika vaccine is vital to that goal. But major hurdles stand in the way. Private pharmaceutical companies aren’t willing to invest in vaccine development because so few people are getting infected now — and those who are getting infected largely live in relatively poor countries. Researchers say governments aren’t investing sufficient public funds in vaccine development. And it is almost impossible to run a traditional clinical trial for the few vaccines hastily developed during the 2015 outbreak.  A brief history of Zika  In the early months of 2015, doctors in Brazil noticed a sudden surge of patients with an odd skin rash. They alerted the World Health Organization (WHO) that an unknown infectious disease might be emerging. Within a few months, scientists identified the cause of the outbreak: Zika, a virus first discovered in the Zika forest of Uganda in 1947 that is spread by certain types of mosquitoes. At first, there was little cause for concern. Since the 1960s, the virus has caused only sporadic infections in Africa and Asia, and then later in the Americas. Moreover, Zika doesn’t cause symptoms in about 80 percent of people who are infected, while others typically experience only minor illness characterized by a low-grade fever, skin rash, and conjunctivitis. By March 2015, of the 7,000 or so people who had developed the skin rash in Brazil, no one had died. But then in September, Brazilian doctors began noticing a troubling new pattern. Somewhere between 2 percent and 6 percent of babies born to women who had Zika had small, misshaped brains, a condition called microcephaly. Other babies were missing key brain structures or had other malformations. Clinicians called it congenital Zika syndrome. To make matters worse, the virus was spreading rapidly beyond the borders of Brazil. In December, the Pan American Health Organization declared the Zika outbreak an international health emergency. The WHO followed suit in February the next year. By the end of 2016, 48 countries and territories across North and South America were reporting cases.  Funding for the outbreak response surged. The US government alone put up $1.1 billion to support activities such as surveillance, education, mosquito control, and vaccine research. Various research groups, mostly in the US, the UK, and South Korea, developed some 40 vaccine candidates. A handful of those vaccines underwent small phase 1 and 2 clinical trials and seemed promising, Dan Barouch, a professor of immunology at Harvard Medical School, recalled. Then suddenly the outbreak subsided. Countries went from reporting thousands of cases every few months in 2016 to only a few, sporadic cases in 2017. This was, obviously, a good thing. Unfortunately, though, once a disease poses a minimal threat to high-income countries, where most research and development takes place, progress toward developing effective vaccines and medicines tends to stall. Governments, scientists, and pharmaceutical companies transition funding and attention to the next health emergency, leaving low-income countries in the global South to fend for themselves. But the rapid rise and fall of the Zika outbreak posed another challenge. Two years into the outbreak, when candidate vaccines were ready for real-world testing, there were no longer enough susceptible people for a phase 3 clinical trial. Why Zika vaccine development has stalled Before a regulatory body such as the US Food and Drug Administration can approve a new vaccine, it generally must be proven safe and effective in a large phase 3 clinical trial. A few thousand people are vaccinated and then observed to measure the dose’s effectiveness once some of those people contract the disease. So researchers need a large pool of people willing to be in a trial and who may also be exposed to the disease. During the first year or so of the 2016-2017 Zika outbreak, there would have been more than enough people for such a trial. But researchers first had to complete smaller phase 1 and 2 trials, which primarily focus on safety. By the time some vaccines were ready for phase 3 trials, the outbreak was too small to provide sufficient subjects.  Even today, whenever Zika sporadically pops up around the world, there are typically only a few hundred cases at a given time, and researchers can’t pinpoint where and when cases will arise. They still can’t start up a trial, Durbin explained. There are alternative pathways to getting a vaccine approved that don’t require phase 3 clinical trials. According to Durbin, drug developers don’t want to cover those costs because they are unlikely to recoup them, given how few people are getting Zika now.  A lack of government funding for vaccine research and development is compounding this problem. Government funding for various diseases comes in waves with the outbreaks, first for Ebola then for Zika, and then for Covid-19. On the bright side, if another large-scale Zika outbreak were to occur, scientists already have a handful of vaccine candidates that are ready for larger clinical trials. Scientists and vaccine manufacturers would still need to make enough vaccines for a large trial and receive approval from authorities and ethics review boards in whichever countries the trials take place. Even though transmission is much lower than in 2015 and 2016, Durbin says there is still an urgent need for a vaccine. “Women who were living in Brazil during that outbreak were terrified if they were pregnant, absolutely terrified of what would happen to their babies,” she said. “It would provide tremendous peace of mind.”   The peace of mind of mothers in the global South, however, isn’t enough to move large drug companies.
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